City Quest

  • How do the natural features impact the design of a city?
  • What natural features might be desirable for designing a city?
  • What natural features might be less desirable for building a city?
  • What can the use of different types of building materials tell you about the purpose and function of different parts of the city?
  • What are the various functional parts of the city (i.e., what does a city need to be a city?)?
  • How does the design of the city reflect the different levels of status of its inhabitants?
  • How might the design of a city tell you something about the values and beliefs of the people who live in the city?


Natural features impact design because of color of materials and the landscape can also change how the buildings look or how they are shaped.

Some natural features that are desirable are like mountains or hills so you get a nice view or something. Also nearby water is very desirable.

Somethings that are less desirable are holes in the ground or swamps. Also building over a lake is not always great.

Maybe something nice or important would be made of marble or some special stone. Less important places would be wood or stone, (not including the church.)

A city needs water and land for farming. Those are two of the most important things. Also maybe a nearby stone quarry or some source of material.

A city with a bad design or more dangerous would probably have less people living in it than a city with a good design and is safe.

Maybe if a city had more than one church or if a city had no churches that would say how religious they were.