Posting to the “Guilds @ Work”

Hello guild masters, mistresses and members,

We have set up a blog to post the work you are doing on the guild project. This will be a good way to share with parents and other students. The address:

You can send text and photos (we have not had luck with mp3s, or videos) to the blog via email to:

  • juno—— (check your email for the address). make a contact on your phone to facilitate the sending of images

Please use the subject line of the email to provide a title for the post.

To add even greater depth and to allow sorting by guild or topic you can add tags to your email (see below).

You can also add additional descriptive text to the body of the email.

Adding a tag to your email: Guild masters and members should always include the shortcode for their guild in the body of the email as this will allow sorting of posts by guilds. The shortcode should be entered as follows:

[tags artisans]

If you want to include more than one tag, you must separate the tags with a comma:

[tags bbcm, research, creative]

You should make sure that all know the naming convention of the guild for the tag. Here is the list of guild tags:

  • Arms & Armor = [tags arms]
  • Artisans = [tags artisans]
  • Storytellers = [tags story]
  • Bards = [tags bards]
  • Medicine = [tags med]
  • Musicians = [tags musicians]
  • Stonemasons = [tags masons]

To make things even easier, it is fine to give the email address to your guild members who can then post thoughts, and images during work sessions. This will give us a way to capture the process of this work. You can also ask students to post research and reflections to the site.

You can also ask students to explore and comment on work being done in other guilds.