A History of Stonemasons @ LREI

Stone masonry, just like natural stone, is really very old! Okay, granted it’s not hundreds of millions of years old as natural stone is itself; but as far as trades go it is very old. Some say stone masonry is one of the oldest professions in history!

Only by understanding the evolution of stone masonry can we can see the depth of heritage as well as the extent of innovation in modern times… opening our eyes to the beauty of an ancient, well-preserved and highly skilled art-form.


Some 6000+ years ago, man was taking rock from the ground and shaping it with primitive tools, primarily for building. As skills and knowledge of the material grew, tools and techniques and equipment developed allowing stone to be worked in more and more complex shapes and designs. Man was now creating structures that were hugely important to nations and civilisations, and many are still visible to this day. The great pyramids of Egypt, the Inca temples in South America, Greek architecture, Roman architecture and then the medieval cathedrals of Western Europe are prime examples of this.

It is the medieval mason that we can relate most to as their legacy—in both their work and hierarchical organisation—is still evident today. It was the Norman period around 1000AD that saw the first of the great cathedrals being built, leading into the Gothic period of the 12th & 13th centuries. Some of the most amazing examples of stone masonry and carving in this country were created during this period.


The medieval masons were structured into three groups:


Literally what is says on the tin! A very highly skilled professional, time served and would train an apprentice


A skilled mason, who had completed an apprenticeship and was now free to travel or “journey” (see below)


A trainee stonemason, being nurtured by a master mason for a period of 7 years… with no pay!

These skilled men (it was a male-dominated field back then) were immensely proud of their work and had a huge commitment to their craft. It was from here that the Masonic societies originated. Groups or “societies” of these skilled masons would travel the land to work on the prestigious projects of the day. Led by master masons (who would take their apprentices) and joined by “Journeymen” who had completed their apprenticeship and were free to “journey”, they banded together and created beautiful & amazing works that we still see today.

excerpted from https://www.ianknapper.com/stone-masonry-brief-history/


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