Tagged: Ilic

Ivo Ilic-4/14/10-Getting Tools to City Schools

It was my 5th and final visit for the LREI 8th grade Social Justice project.  As usual we met Dennis after school in the library.  We found out that Dennis had spoken to our principle, Mark, and that they had decided on a plan to raise money for the binders.  In a few weeks everyone in the middle school would receive a form or slip of some kind to use to track chores done for parents or neighbors.  The students would earn money by completing chores and then donate that money to the organization.  It seems like a good idea and I hope it works.  Next the whole group except for me was supposed to hang up a chart of our progress made last visit (I was not present).  I was supposed to find Carin in the mean time to ask her what needed to be done for the chocolate bars.  I was not able to find her so I helped the others hang the chart.  After we had finished we went back to the library.  Dennis told us how very soon we would have to make the final push to get all the supplies by the end of the school year.  He gave us a sort of pep talk and told us we would have to be leaders in the campaign.  He asked me to stay behind when the others left to post the PSAs (Public Services Announcements) we  had created in class on the organizations facebook page.  It took a while but I managed to post them. Click on the image below to see them.

Ivo's PSA