Category: Samantha Maison

Samantha-March 8,2010-IANSA

On March 8, Niles, Phoebe and I went to the IANSA office to practice and revise our presentation on gun violence and it’s relation to women. There we met with Mark Marge, Sarah Masters of the branch of IANSA in London, and Clare Hutchison from the UN Department of  Peacekeeping operations/PBPS. At this meeting we made our presentations as perfect as can be. The actual IANSA office was covered with public service announcements that had lots of facts about gun violence. After our meeting learened a little more about Sarah Masters, we discussed her work and how she got into gun violence.

Samantha-February 24,2010-ArtsEASTNY

On February 24, 2010, Niles, Phoebe and I met with one Catherine Green to discuss her organization ArtsEASTNY.She is founder and executive of this organization. The ArtsEASTNY organization is located in East  New York, where the gun violence rates is said to be the highest. Children within the East New York area have the choice of  participating in various types of art such as dancing, singing and drawing. The organization is funded by community leaders and those who contribute.

In East New York, children and teens outnumber adults by a huge ratio and gun violence is mostly seen amongst the young people. There’s been 24 murders, 678 robberies and 700 grand larcenies just in the past year. In the first few months of 2010 there were 3 murders. ArtsEASTNY is just one of many organizations working against gun violence.

Here is a picture of Catherine Green:catherinegreene

Samantha-IANSA-February 9,2010

IANSA logo

The International Action Network on Small arms (IANSA), is an organization that works against gun violence. IANSA is apart of a network that works in 120 countries to stop gun violence and their goal is to make people safer from gun violence by raising society’s awareness of the threat gun violence has on one’s life. My group and I will be attending meetings about issues related to gun violence at the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women, in March. We hope to learn new information about stopping gun violence in New York City, as well as America.