Category: Naomi Jabouin

Naomi Jabouin Teach-In 4/28/10

Yesturday was the Teach-In. As most of you know,  my topic was Child Literacy. The workshop was a relief after it was over, but  I had a lot of fun.  To me, our workshop was so successful because we all knew what we were doing. We were just really shocked that the kids used our tips while reading to the kids. They interacted and were part of the discussions when we asked. Majority of them seemed interested and enjoyed reading to either the 1st grade of kindergarteners. One of them even asked how they could get in contact with the organization and to me they seemed very serious about calling them up to volunteer. I still would’nt have done much differently. I believe we balanced out fun and education very well. The only thing I regret is giving them cookies. It seems as if that will be all they remember from our workshop, since 90% asked for more and gave that as a suggestion on their reflection sheet. I now understand why the teacher said not to use candy. But I believe they desserved it though. It was enjoyable to be a teacher for one day. I now know I dont want to be a teacher: kids(we) are annoying and I can see why adults don’t understand us.

Everything we did relating to Social Justice was different from most projects I have done. It was fun at sometimes and annoying at other times. I don’t have any suggestions to change for next year, I just hope that the 7th graders remember how they felt during our Teach-In and improve what they didnt like and add in what they did.

Naomi-LINC Visit 4/1/10

Last Tuesday, Nora, Kyla, Viviane and I went to our last visit. It was at a McDonalds in Harlem. This time instead of looking around lost, we found Deborah easily and started helping to sort things out in the room. It was one of the best visits because we reconized some of the kids from Pj Night or from the last time we were in Harlem so there werent any ackward moments between the kids and us.

The routine was practically the same: we waited for the kids to arrive. Then we sang songs to them. I wasnt familar with any of them so I followed Viviane’s lead who’s an expert at kid songs. After, the kids were seperated into groups and we read 3 books to them. They all were really interested into the book that I had chosen, so there wasnt any trouble. Except the fact that I kept stuttering with the most easy words possible like “the” and the name of the character.

We didnt take any pictures this time because time went so quickly, we actually forgot. We were like experts finding the location except for me because it was my first time attending this event. It’s really upsetting that this is our last visit, and we don’t know if we will ever see Deborah again. But it was fun while it lasted.

Naomi-Linc Visit 3/28/10

Last Thurday, the 25th, Viviane and I went to volunteer at “PJ Night.” It’s called Pj night because the point of this gathering was to show parents that the best time to read to their kids is right before they go to sleep. So, to inforce this, everyone was to wear pajamas, read and eat to kids. Since there was no school, we met at the school and found our way from there. The streets near the library were empty, like an abandoned city. It was hard to believe this was the same street as the uptown Madison Avenue. We easily found the library and entered a room where Deborah was surround by 5-6 kids.

LibraryThe library was about three floors: 3 times the size of my local library which is only 1 floor. The bookshelfs are small, and are standing at two corners. At the middle of the floor are rounded desk with chairs. On the other side are doors entering into small vacant rooms and an elevator and bathroom. In the middle are computers with kids occupying everyone still in their uniform but not saying much.  It was our room that made all the noise that carried through the floor. After the parents read some books to the kids, we sang “The Wheels on the Bus”  and “Holky Polky.” The kids were from different schools, no older than 6 years old.

We were confused when we realized no one was in the pajamas, Viviane being the only one. Like in our other visits,  we interacted with the students. We wanted to be more like friends to them than chaperones. For 45 minutes we listened to their odd conversations about the most random things. I couldnt understand half of what they were saying feeling like I was the youngest in the group. None of them were hyper since it was about 6:30pm. It definately was different than the St. Jude after-school program. They were more organized and did their work without slacking off or trying to avoid the task. Even though they were just decorating bears for an upcoming artshow.

Naomi-3/10/10 LINC Visit

         From all the visits I have done so far, today was the most exciting visit from the rest.  Once again, we went to an afterschool program at St. Jude School. It was the second time we went to this particular program. We arrived there at 4:00pm and we stayed there until a little after 5pm. Since we had already been there before, we were more comfortable. Luckily the same students were there, so we were more open with each other.

               At first, we roamed the hallways: which were as long as a train platform. The school was three times the size of our school. Their gym was the same room as their auditorium.  The lunch room was basically in the same room too, but seperated by bars. There were less students than before and immediatleythe 5th graders reconized us saying hi as we entered the same kindergarden room as our last visit.

       For about 10-15 minutes I worked with a kindergartener. We read together; him reading one page, me the other. I was shocked when I realized his level of reading. Compared to the kid I had my last visit, he was way behind. He read extremely slow and I struggled to hear him. He sounded out every syllable, he pointed to the words with his pencil and still sometimes lost where he was. I don’t know if they go to the same school but it was still unexpected.

          After he left, Viviane and I went to the same table where there were familar people from the last visit.  Since they were all done with their task, we tried to think of something that everyone at the table could do together. First, we played a small game, where we drew something on a piece of paper and handed it around the table. But it didnt work out very well, so instead we played a handgame. The kindergardners didnt know it, so we taught it to them, had a practice round and then played the game. We didnt have time to finish the game so no one exactly won. Photo0592

We’re not going to St. Jude again, but I would’nt mind going back because already my group and I were becoming friends with the students. This was an unforgettable experience and I hope the other visits we’ll be going to, will be as fun or even better.

Naomi- 3/4/10 2nd Visit

Yesterday, Nora, Kyla, Viviane and I went to our third visit. It was located at St. Jude’s school and it was an afterschool program. It was my first official visit helping the organization out, so  I was very excited. For an hour, each of us were given tables to supervise that had  a few 5th graders reading to kindergarderners. The coordinator explained how on Tuesday it was Dr. Seuss’ birthday, so the kids were having a small celebration reading some of his books and completing word puzzles and coloring sheets.

The experience was really amazing. It was as if I went back in time to when I was in kindergarden struggling to read and solve simple math problems like 1+1. But this time I was the teacher,  helping them with their work and encouraging them. The kids were really open around me after a few minutes of hesitation wondering who I was. So, it wasn’t ackward sitting there watching them and/or conversating with the them.

 Nora & her group

I wouldnt mind going back to the after school program once more; for I believe it would be better since  I have a better idea of what to do. Even though the hour seemed to pass really quickly, I really enjoyed working with them.

Naomi -2/12/10-LINC

Yesturday, Nora, Kyla , Viviane and I went to our first visit to an organization called LINC. This organization’s goal is to “further literacy in less advantaged communities.” They realized that kids who don’t master reading skills by a young age; have a very little chance of catching up. So in order to change this, they open book clubs, have teen tutoring programs, and try to reach out to the parents to encourage them to read to their children etc.

So, yesturday we went to their office and they told us possible things we could do during the time period we will be spending with them, and we introduced ourselves to everyone. We were given a schedule of activities for the rest of February and March and a book that explains the organization in more detail.

Some of the activites that I’m really excited to do is “PJ Night” which is this Thursday; where we will read to little children, dressed in our pajamas and just interact with the kids; which seems really fun. Another activity is “Lobby Reading Program” where in the main building of the organization; we will read to little kids in small groups.

We all really can’t wait to begin working with this organization and we’re really looking forward to this experience.