Sadie-4/16/09-Mterials for the Arts

This was our first shopping day at MFTA and also our last day at MFTA.  We left the school at 1:oo .pm so that we could get there at 1:30 pm. on time.  on the way up to the subway we were so nerves to ask people questions, and make sure that they liked us and that we were not being a pain or boring them.

Once we got there we walked in the door and saw a long line of people waiting to get in, and Johnese behind the counter checking them in, she told us to go to the office put our stuff away put on a volunteer badge on, and get our survey ready. Once we finished that we went back to her and showed her our survey she was very impressed and wanted to come along with us to see what the answers were, and help us fined people that wouldn’t mind being interviewed.  I was so happy that she was comeing along with us, so that I wouldn’t make a mistake.  Surayya was the first person to ask the questions (we had a system where one person would right down what they said and would ask they questions but if they couldn’t handle both they the others would help say the questions, while they were writing, and we would rotate) and did a really good job. Then it was my turn next i was really nervous, i made a couple mistakes but it was fine, and then it was maddie’s turn and she did a really good job too.  We talked to alot of people, it was a lot of fun and we got the hang of it very fast (we learned to quick, so they wouldn’t get mad). We met sooooo many different people: Artists, theater companies, school teachers, people who represent many different organizations, queens botanical garden education center and more… some people were really friendly and pacient, others were less but no matter what I had a great time and I learned alot!  At about 3:15 we stoped and talked to Johnese about our results and what we learned, she asked us to send her the information, so that they would use in to help improve. then we said our “Goodbyes” for the last time, and left.

I think working with MFTA was a really amazing expirience, i will definately never forget it.  i learned so much about how to be creative with things i would never expect to use.  I met amazing people, that were so smart, artistic and creative. i think that the people i met and the thing i learned are things that will be really important to know in the future, and that i was lucky to have to opportunity to expirience.  I think that my group is really prepared for the teach-in. i cannot wait!!!!



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