Sadie-3/11/09-Materials for the Arts

Third trip to Materials for the Arts:

On the way over to Materials for the Arts we were trying to guess what we would be doing for our next trip whether it was sorting, folding, or cleaning i couldn’t wait to see what it was.

When we arrived we just walking right down the long hallway as if we had been doing it our whole lives. Even though it would be only our third time I felt like a pro. After we signed in and put our things down in the conference room we rolled up our sleeves and rushed out to Johnese to see what our task for the day would be.

The task was folding cloths, clothing. we were taken to two metal shelfs tha were covered in clothing and cloths that had been messed up, shuffled around, and unfolded. our job was to refold and rearrange everything in a way that made it appealing to the costumers.

So we began our job by taking everything off the shelves and refolding and reorganizing everything in a way that we thought would be appealing: we organized it by putting things together according to size the big stuff went on the bottm and the smaller on the top.

The clothes were put into a different pile, and retaken to the front of the warehouse where the customers come in and are put on a rack where they can be taken as clothes (pretty cool..huh).

This trip was very fun and exciting and made a million ideas burst into my head by seeing all the unique patterns and textures.


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