Nora-Teach-In Reflection

I think that our slideshow went well, everyone who spoke knew what we were talking about.  We didn’t have to stumble for words and stutter when reading the slides.  We knew what was on the slides so when we were talking the presentation went really smoothly.  I also thought that our activity went well.  When we read to the little kids it seemed like everybody was having a good time and the kids were enjoying the way the 5th-7th graders were reading it.  Another reason why it went well was because the people from our workshop actually used the reading tips we gave them, which got the listeners more involved.  I think it was fun to be a teacher for a while however I see what can be challenging, some of the 5th graders acted difficult.  One of them wouldn’t write anything helpful for the reflection.  We decided that nothing was going to make him write something down so we let him just sit and do nothing for the remainder of the time.  Maybe I would’ve set up another part of the activity because when the us and the teachers were standing around just watching it got kind of boring for us, even though the workshop is more for the other grades.  I think we really sent out the message of the importance of literacy, and how we take advantage of it every day.  And I hope everyone will think how lucky they are to be able to read and think about giving back to others who can’t.

I think our set up groups went well over all.  However two people didn’t really help with the slide show at all.  Me and one other person definitely did the majority of the work.  One of the members of our group didn’t help with our group at all she actually ended up working with a different group.

I thought that it was great how much extra time the teachers gave us to work on the teach-in.  The amount of time we got was perfect, but maybe we should get a bigger warning saying how close the teach-in is.  I know my group didn’t realize until we had like 2 weeks left.

Over all the process and the final outcome was really great for me.  It was the most fun project of the year.

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