Chase Bronx Visit

On this visit, I left school at 2:20 to visit a school, PS 335, that Dennis’ organization had already helped. I was pretty excited because I was finally going to be able to see what one of the schools we were helping looked like.

We rode the subway to the Bronx and got off. When we got to the school, I was surprised to see that it wasn’t what I thought it would be. I know this isn’t true, but every time I think of an underprivileged school I think of a bombed out building with the children sitting on the floor. To my surprise, the school looked perfectly normal, though it was much, much bigger than my school. We met the vice principal in the lobby, and she led us up the art room. We went on to intervview a 5th grader, an art teacher, a parent coordinator and the vice principal with the same questions: Do you think the supplies help the children? How do the parents react? Do the children seem more interested or excited about school?

The teachers said that the children were extremly happy and grateful about getting the supplies, and that their work did seem to improve.

We left after the interviews, and I was even more excited that the efforts we had been making would pay off.

Here is a link to the Youtube video of the supplies being delivered

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