Violet-3.2.10-Positive Exposure (Visit 5)

On March 2, Cheyenne, Parker, and I went to Rick Guidotti’s studio, Ruby could not make it. Although he was not there (he was on a trip to Tanzania), we were given instructions by Miche Griffin (my mother). We were told to pack envelopes for his upcoming event on Thursday, April 22. Miche gave us directions, and an example of how to stuff the envelopes. We made an assembly line, with Cheyenne packing the RSVPs into their envelopes, me packing the RSVPs into the media kits, then Parker packing the media kits into the envelopes. These jobs were a lot harder then all of us expected them to be, they had to be perfect since some people who were being invited would make a donation of $5,000. The easiest of the 3 jobs was putting the RSVPs into their envelopes, but they still had to be perfectly centered and tucked under the crease of the envelope. The jobs got harder while going down the line. The job of putting the RSVPs into the media kits was the moderately easy job, the RSVPs had to be centered in the crease of the envelope. The hardest out of all of the jobs was putting the media kit (with the RSVP inside) into the envelope, none of us were sure why it took the longest, but or some reason it did. The next day we had to go back to continue making them, then closing them, and labeling them.

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