
3 Days ago I went to the AidsWalk wear house.  This is my 7th visit. When we got there we were folding papers and putting them into envelopes. The food there was something that was good (I don’t know the name of it…) and Chips. That’s all we did… I feel like when we go there we are given papers to fold and we ( my group/ LREI kids)  are kind of in our own world, we talk together and just fold, maybe an hour later a woman comes and says that it is over and we should leave (of course she says thanks for your help…).What I think of that is that we should be more involved, ask questions and try to be more into the learning. But I see other groups around us and they are the same. I have talked to some people about this and they said that maybe it is the organization that is the problem but we have gone to two different ones (not counting Rainforest Alliance) and they make us do the same things.

Something that I find really cool is that we adjusted stands and now two weeks later I see them in almost every store even in the LREI lobby… Pretty Proud!

Some Random Facts About Aids:

.HIV is the human immuno deficiency virus that causes AIDS.

.Aids is a disease that breaks down the  body’s immune system and is unable to fight off certain infections/ diseases, known as “opportunistic infections,” and other illnesses that take advantage of a weakened immune system.

. About 40,000 Americans become infected with HIV each year.

.In the US nearly one million people are infected have HIV infection or Aids.

Web Site I go to for simple imformation like this:

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