Naomi-3/10/10 LINC Visit

         From all the visits I have done so far, today was the most exciting visit from the rest.  Once again, we went to an afterschool program at St. Jude School. It was the second time we went to this particular program. We arrived there at 4:00pm and we stayed there until a little after 5pm. Since we had already been there before, we were more comfortable. Luckily the same students were there, so we were more open with each other.

               At first, we roamed the hallways: which were as long as a train platform. The school was three times the size of our school. Their gym was the same room as their auditorium.  The lunch room was basically in the same room too, but seperated by bars. There were less students than before and immediatleythe 5th graders reconized us saying hi as we entered the same kindergarden room as our last visit.

       For about 10-15 minutes I worked with a kindergartener. We read together; him reading one page, me the other. I was shocked when I realized his level of reading. Compared to the kid I had my last visit, he was way behind. He read extremely slow and I struggled to hear him. He sounded out every syllable, he pointed to the words with his pencil and still sometimes lost where he was. I don’t know if they go to the same school but it was still unexpected.

          After he left, Viviane and I went to the same table where there were familar people from the last visit.  Since they were all done with their task, we tried to think of something that everyone at the table could do together. First, we played a small game, where we drew something on a piece of paper and handed it around the table. But it didnt work out very well, so instead we played a handgame. The kindergardners didnt know it, so we taught it to them, had a practice round and then played the game. We didnt have time to finish the game so no one exactly won. Photo0592

We’re not going to St. Jude again, but I would’nt mind going back because already my group and I were becoming friends with the students. This was an unforgettable experience and I hope the other visits we’ll be going to, will be as fun or even better.

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