Jasper Stallings-3/7/10- Aid for Aids 2

On Friday I went to Aid for Aids for the second time with Katharine, Lenny and Adam. We left school at two thirty and were taken by a driver named Victor to the Aid for Aids office at 120 Wall Street. At the door there was a little confusion with the security guard but eventually he let us in to the building. We went up to the office and were escorted by Hannah to our usual table. A man named David showed us what work we would do that day and as expected it was the same thing as every time, folding pamphlets. Although we have been ding the same thing each time it is very rewarding seeing that whole box filled with our hundreds of pamphlets, knowing that those pamphlets along with a condom would help educate someone in a third world country about HIV and Aids and hopefully prevent them from receiving the virus. We asked David a few questions about his job like why he chose to work at this organization. David told us that Aids was a subject that he was very passionate about. He also told us about how exactly the organization stays in touch with communities in other countries. Those communities send consulates to New York to talk with the organization and get aid from the organization for their own homes. After finishing our work Victor drove us back to the school.

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