Lenny Weissman-2/7/10-Aid for AIDS

On Friday, February 5, me Sarah, Adam, Olivia, Matan, Jasper, and Alma, all went downtown to an organization called Aid for AIDS. Once we arrived inside the building, we each were given our own I.D and we soon found ourself on the the elevator on the way up to the organization itself. when we arrived, we were greeted by a very friendly girl named Hanna who gave us a tour of the area. I think that the most motivating and incredible part of the tour was when she showed us the room full of medical supplies that people all over the country had sent to them in honor of what they were doing. The fact they were able to rebottle, and relabel everything, showed that they were organized and prepared to help anyone in time of disaster. After the tour, we were split in to two groups. In my group, was Matan, Katherine and Alma. Our job was to efficiently but carefully fold pamphlets giving important information about the dangers of AIDS and HIV. Once folded, these pamphlets would be packaged with condoms and the condoms would be sent to people in need. I learned from the folding that basic safety information can be very important to many different people. I also had fun spending time with my peers and we all enjoyed helping out a cause. Before we started, I felt excited and curious to see how Aid for AIDS had their goals accomplished. When I left I felt that I had this question answered. They achieved their goals by being organized, and by focusing their power into different branches of world issues. If I had to ask my group members a question, it would be what they hope to do next time we visit the orginization.

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