Miral Rivalta-Reflection

teach inyesterday we had our teach-in i thought it went grate. i was  kind of scared and nervous at the beginning but then it went exactly how we planned it. the kids paid a lot of attention to our presentation and i had the feeling that both of the groups learned a lot about underfunded schools and the situation of underfunded children and parents. the parts about our teach in that i liked the most where the video that we showed them with our interview to the teachers  in the school in the Bronx that we visited during the field trip that we took with Dennis in one of the school that Dennis organization sanded to at the beginning of the year. another part of our teach in that i really liked was the activity that we prepared we made the kids decorate pencils and they did it they were very creative and seems to me that they were very into it and not only about the decorating but about the facts also while we were decorating the pencils we would have conversation about the facts the kids were impressed about them. none of them really knew that much about underfunded schools or how big is the actual problem. teaching to the second group was a little harder than the first one kids were a little more exited about it but still it went pretty well even better than i expected it to be but i am glad we are done with it even if from my point of view you are never done with social justice. because i think all of our topics are important and they all need people like us to help we are the ones that make the change. the assembly went grate also we presented the fun raising that will start soon for our organization.teach in


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