

1. What do you think went well during your workshop? Name at least two things.

I think our game went well.  The kids seemed to enjoy it and be focused and excited.  During our first workshop I think we hadn’t explained the game so well but during our second workshop we new what to say and it went smoother then the first.  I also think that our power point went well because we were prepared and new what we were all going to say.  At some points we commented on each other’s and added to what others were saying.

2.What did you think about being a “teacher” for two hours?  What was exciting/challenging? How did you manage, as a team, to address what came up?

It was challenging.  I think that it was challenging to keep them focused for a long time.  Our power point was long and a few kids asked questions about it.  After it was over I think we all felt good.  It was a relief.  All of our hard work was over and we were happy with our workshop.  As a team I think that during the presentation we all contributed equal but during the process of making our workshop others did more than some.


3. What would you have done differently in your workshop, if you could?

I think we should have made another activity.  It was a little short so we had to expand a lot on other points.  But in the next workshop we made our game longer, which took up more time so we finished at the right moment. 

4. What lasting learning do you leave with about your topic and/or social justice activism?

It opened my mind to photography.  That someone who loved it so much could do something great with it like Rick Guidotti has done.  He has made it into something that can help people.

5. What went well with your set up groups? What are your thoughts about the assemblies?

I think that our set up group had a hard time at first.  We didn’t have many ideas.  Many people decided to do posters that informed people about our Social Justice Teach-In.  The decoration group could have definitely made more posters.  Many people help post the PSA’s in the lobby and on the walls outside of our classrooms.  Violet and I were assigned to make the puzzle for our 8th grade activity after all the workshops.  It was confusing to make but we finally figured it out with the help of Sarah.  After everyone had decorated his or her puzzle unfortunately we were missing one piece.  Other than that I think we did a great job on the puzzle and it looks great.  I thought that the assemblies were good.  The band did a great job.  I thought that everything was set up well.  During the first slide show a couple of the PSA’s were cut off.

6. Comment on the process that led up to the Teach-In? What did you like? What suggestions do you have for next year?

I learnt a lot.  I was very inspired with Positive Exposure.  It is a fantastic organization that used art and photography to help a greater cause and teach many people about genetic conditions.  I think that next year the decoration group should have more people and the teachers could help with setting the decorations up.  We weren’t very organized and had a little difficulty.

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