
I thought that the teach-in went really well. One good thing that went well during our workshop is that the website was really fun for everyone. It gave them a learning experience while having fun. Another thing that went well was communications between our group members. Everyone participated and explained there PSA’s and there participation work. Also the activity went smoothly with proper instruction. Being a teacher can be hard, but at the same time it is a great experience. It was exciting to explain our project. It was challenging since some kids would talk when they weren’t supposed to. We worked together so that each kid was focused and didn’t misbehave. One thing I would have done differently is the way we went through the activity. We stopped people from playing the donating rice game to tally up the numbers several times. It was great that the kids were so involved, but they often wanted to keep on playing. We should how done one longer cycle so people didn’t have to stop every five minutes. I learned that if everyone one works together, than big donations like these can get done. The setup groups went very well. My group was the video group. In three classes we filmed, revised, and edited the whole movie. It was completed on time with no last minute edits. I thought the assemblies were great because there wasn’t a time were we had to stop or change a line. Everything was fine in its order. The process was that we had to visit five places related to our social justice topic. We then wrote a blog post about each visit. I felt that visiting dates should have been more organized so nobody had to go at the last minute. I liked participating at these organizations because each time I went I learned something new. Next year the teachers should make sure all visit dates are planned within one week so nobody has to go visit and post a week before the teach-in. Lastly I though that everything went well and it was a huge learning experience for everyone.

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