Niles Ellis-4/16/10-Ali Abdul Karim-High Tech-Investigation & Security

Ali Abdul Karim, a Muslim man from Brooklyn is a private investigator, security manager and a teacher to many kids.  He grew up on the rough streets of Brooklyn and knows how difficult it is to stay above and strive to be the best.  So, to give back to his community and teach the kids a successful way of life and being, he became a muslim and then started to teach kids martial arts and life lessons.  He has now been doing this for over 30 years, creating basketball teams, teaching kids lifestyle lessons and the martial arts to keep them off of a destructive path.  He said, ” That in life these kids who grow up in high crime and gun violence areas need help to stay away from guns and violence and a terrible life of encarciration and uneducation.”  He is continuing his work and has no plan on stopping.  He thinks that more people should get involved in gun violence awareness.

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