LES Girls Club #4 3/17/10

Today Harry, Josh, and I went to the LES girls club again. We spoke to Jenny and we worked on more Walk-A-Thon donation stuff. When we first got there we managed to see a couple of girls join the girls club. They were new and they had come with there mothers. We noticed no one had to pay or it didn’t matter where you lived. It was very casual, Jenny spoke to them as if she had known them already. The girls were very shy and soft spoken though. This might’ve been because the way they were judged before. Maybe Harry, Josh, and I had frightened them because they were expecting to see boys there.

After Jenny spoke with the new girls she began to talk to us. She wanted to talk about our donating progress. In the process of our discussion, I asked why the girls seemed uncomfortable. She said they were a little shy because they saw us there. She also told us that most of the times they ask there mom to be a part of the discussion when joining the girls club. She said that to the girls there moms were important role models and thats why the people that do activities with them are mostly women. She then told us it would be a good idea to have our moms come in and tell us about what they do. We had told Jenny that our moms too have been successful. For example, my mom danced with the Martha Graham Company. She toured all over the world. Jenny was ecstatic to hear about all our moms and their accomplishments. She insisted having our moms come in and speaking to the girls and also maybe even coming to the Walk-A-Thon. I am not sure if my mom will be able to make it because she is busy, but i bet she would love too come in. I’m excited for Spring Break and the next time we go to the girls club

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