Noel-5th Visit to LES girls club, 4/14/10

Today, Josh Harry and I went back to the LES girl club for our last (required) visit. While there, we talked to Jenny about the walk-a-thon. There, Jenny and one of her associates that keeps track of the website stress the importance of us getting sponsors. So far we have made it half way to our goal, but we have to keep pushing forward. We (being Harry and I) have to contribute more the the raising money and getting sponsors, because Josh has raised 500$ so far. Our goal is 1000$, now Harry and I don’t have to raise as much money as Josh because he set the way for us. So now we need your help. Everyone that’s reading this post can donate. Simply, go to the website,, and in the bottom-left corner underneath the upcoming events column there will be something that says “DONATE”. Click on it, then in the next new page there will be a selection of options. The second one down will be on the Walk-A-Thon. Click on that, then you can either register or donate. Donations are done through credit card. To register you will have to follow some steps that it will tell you once you click on it. Though once you register, it will ask you if you want to join a team or make your own. Pick join a team, type in “LREI Knights”. The captain will be Josh Wilson, and the two other members will be Noel Diggs and Harry Davidson. We need at least 10 people on our team, we can have as many as we want there is no maximum number, the more support the better. Each member can get other people to join and also donate. So once you become a member of our team then you can ask to be sponsored by friends or family. Also, ask those friends to register and asked to be sponsored by someone else. We will be making announcements at middle school meeting later on, most likely next Wednesday.

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