Josh LES Girls Club 4/14/10

For our last visit with the girls club we didn’t do that much.  I am not saying that we didn’t do anything important though.  We sat down with Jenny and she started to talk to us about the walk-athon.  She really liked the fact that we already raised 500 dollars, but she wanted us to raise 500 more and get 7 more people to join our team.  I was thinking that it was going to be easy to do that because our friends will want to go to the (parade like) walk-athon.  Each team will be paired with a Girls Club member “co-captain.” Teams will compete for prizes in several categories including: most members, most funds raised, most creative, and most spirited. There is no fee to register a team.  So it i obviously important for us to get a lot of members.

This is how you sign up for our team in the walk-athon (the Knights).  You go to and you click walk-athon for health may 15.  Than you click the big red button that says register.  Than on the right you will see a couple of pink links, the one that says register you want to click on.  You fill in the bubble i need to create an account and press next.  You than fill out all of the information it asks you (it is a trustworthy organization so they wont exploit your info).  From there you pick the team you want to join and preferably make some donations or campaign for our team.  If you want to donate and not join our team, which is still very nice, you basically do the same thing but instead of filling out your info, you fill out your credit card info and pick a person on the team to donate to.  We are excited to see everybody that shows for the walk-athon and our work pay off.

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