Niles Ellis-4/13/10-Merill Moore, Police Officer NYPD
Today, I met and visited with one Merill Moore. He is a police officer in the NYPD. Day in and Day out he works to stop cirme all over the city. He specifically does a lot fo work to stop gun violence in all neignborhoods and boroughs. I spoke with him about the probes and tactics that the police use to stop gun violence in the city. Some of the tactics that are being used are guns for money, gun drives, tip lines, gun search warrants and frisking and debreifing on the rise. Cops are now supposed to and they are allowed to search any person in their custody for guns. There are now specific units and task forcesmade to stop gun violence. I spoke to another detective, who told about being on one of these anti-crime task forces. he said that the captain would send him and 5 other detectives out to patrol the neighborhood but in normal clothes. Making them seem normal but they are really detectives looking for men and ttenagers who look like they’re could have a gun or know information. The main reason why the NYPD created these things is to get these illegal and dangerous guns off the street. Form a cop’s perspective the less guns on the street the better. But when i was talking to Mr. Moore he also told me that he think that laws shoiuld be changed that deal with guns. He feels that criminals, in America and overseas are way too easily let in and out of jail if they are convicted of gun charges. Officers are now losing power, the force once had 45,000 men and women, now it is closer to 35,000. More potential officers are finding other jobs because they are afraid or aren’t willing to risk their lives and not be properly cared for or that justice will be sought out. But, there are still those like officer Moore and Detective Carl who still work to stop specifically gun violence all over this great city. Saving the lives of innocent people like me and you.