Samantha-February 24,2010-ArtsEASTNY

On February 24, 2010, Niles, Phoebe and I met with one Catherine Green to discuss her organization ArtsEASTNY.She is founder and executive of this organization. The ArtsEASTNY organization is located in East  New York, where the gun violence rates is said to be the highest. Children within the East New York area have the choice of  participating in various types of art such as dancing, singing and drawing. The organization is funded by community leaders and those who contribute.

In East New York, children and teens outnumber adults by a huge ratio and gun violence is mostly seen amongst the young people. There’s been 24 murders, 678 robberies and 700 grand larcenies just in the past year. In the first few months of 2010 there were 3 murders. ArtsEASTNY is just one of many organizations working against gun violence.

Here is a picture of Catherine Green:catherinegreene

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