Kyla- LINC- 5th Visit

Viviane, Naomi, Nora and I attended another cross-aged reading at the McDonalds in Harlem.  This time we actually knew how to get there so we weren’t walking around trying to find our way.  We basically did the same thing as we did for our second visit. We sang  different songs like The Wheels on the Bus, Great Big Moose and ABC.  We each separated into different  groups, we each had about 4 or 5 kids to read to.  After each of us read at least 2 books we moved the chairs to the side and we sang some more songs.  Once that was over the kids started to eat.  Miss D offered to buy us some food, the other girls weren’t hungry but I was so I said yes.  Once I finished eating my McChicken and fries we left the McDonalds.

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