Jasper Stallings, 3/9/10, AID for AIDS

Last Friday Alma, Olivia, Katharine, Lenny, Adam and I all went to AID for AIDS. When we go there we expected to be assigned to our usual task of folding pamphlets but this time they had something different in store for us. Our job was to take the pamphlets that we had folded on our previous visits and put them along with two condoms, and packet of lubricant into a Ziploc bag to be distributed all around New York city. AID for AIDS was giving out these little packets to encourage people to have safe sex and to teach them why it is so important. It felt good knowing that just one of these tiny packets that we were packing could save someone’s life from AIDS. We all got a lot of work done and at the end it felt good to see a heaping pile of Ziploc bags tightly sealed covering the entire table. We started with boxes of each material that would go into each packet and within an hour we were already asking for more supplies to pack. Even though my group has already gone five times we plan to continue our volunteering for a while longer. We will be working in the AIDS Walk so If you would like to support a very good cause, register to walk at, http://www.aidswalk.net/NEWYORK/takeaction/register.html

The AIDS Walk is on May 16 so I hope to see you there!

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