Naomi-LINC Visit 4/1/10

Last Tuesday, Nora, Kyla, Viviane and I went to our last visit. It was at a McDonalds in Harlem. This time instead of looking around lost, we found Deborah easily and started helping to sort things out in the room. It was one of the best visits because we reconized some of the kids from Pj Night or from the last time we were in Harlem so there werent any ackward moments between the kids and us.

The routine was practically the same: we waited for the kids to arrive. Then we sang songs to them. I wasnt familar with any of them so I followed Viviane’s lead who’s an expert at kid songs. After, the kids were seperated into groups and we read 3 books to them. They all were really interested into the book that I had chosen, so there wasnt any trouble. Except the fact that I kept stuttering with the most easy words possible like “the” and the name of the character.

We didnt take any pictures this time because time went so quickly, we actually forgot. We were like experts finding the location except for me because it was my first time attending this event. It’s really upsetting that this is our last visit, and we don’t know if we will ever see Deborah again. But it was fun while it lasted.

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