Lenny Weissman-3/16/10-Aids Walk Orginization and Shaun Sheppard

Today at 6:30, Adam, Jasper, Alma, Matan, and I took the subway down to 24th street,

where we visited the New York Aids Walk organization. We had originally went there

to get an interview with their  volunteer coordinator Shaun Sheppard, who was also

the head of the program running in New York. after we were done with our interview,

we were given the opportunity to help them with some physical work. Much of the work

was stacking boxes and rolling them off to another destination. after that we took

empty boxes, broke them, and recycled them. Lastly, we had to push boxes that were

full of different advertisement for the AIDS walk into certain categorized destinations.

The work was easy and slightly boring but we were still satisfied with helping out.

I was suprised by how calm the work flow was. i guess that by this time, they had every

thing under control. Today, i learned that my group works much better when ther’s

more of us because then we can put all of out strength into the havy lifting

and get more things accomplished. we don’t get in each other’s way. the goal i set

for myself in my next vizit there, is to get there earlier, and be more enthusiastic

with my work.

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