Benno-3/15/10-Food Bank

Today I went to the Food Bank’s head quarters.  When I arrived I was told to sign in and then sit down.  After waiting for about 5 minutes Heather Joseph came out and greeted me (this was the first time we met.)  As we walked to her office i said good bye to the lady at the front desk whom I had been chatting with.  When we got to her office which was down a long hall  we both sat down and I briefed he on what the school project was.  When that was over I asked if I could record the interview, which she said yes to, then I started asking my questions.  My questions were “when did the Food Bank start?  Answer it started in 1983 as Food for Survival then in the late 1980’s it became Food Bank of New York.  What is the difference in how many meals you have served between then and now?   Answer we have served more because as a company we have grown in our size and the amount of people we can serve also last year we served about  35 million pounds of food and this year we have served about 50 million pounds.What are the different things that the Food Bank does?  Answer the food bank has many different programs including tax aid teaching kids how to eat and cook healthy and there main program is food distribution…  When the interview was over we said are good byes and I later used the information to help me write my investigative journalism paper.  The information that I got in the interview with Heather Joseph was amazing and disturbing, it was amazing to see how much they helped and distubing to hear about how many people are hungry in New York City.

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