Noel LES Girls Club Visit #3-3/10/10

For our third visit, Josh, Harry, and I ventured back to the girls club. While there we met some more of the girls that attend the LES girls club. One of the girls was named Meghan and was in 7th grade, she goes to Friends Seminary. Today the girls were getting ready to view a PSA (Public Service Announce) and make one of their own. Coincidentally, we too are making PSA’s. At the girls club there was a director and film maker. She had done commercials before and PSA’s. In the summer she was looking forward to making her first feature film. She was there for the first time with the girls, so she was new to everyone. She gave some background information on herself, telling us this story on why her nickname is “Santa”. The girls then watched a old PSA the girls club had done. During the film, she probably explained some steps she took and gave advice. Though, as interesting as the topic was, we had to go discuss with Jenny the walk-a-than and possible times to meet again. Jenny showed us a calender and for each month there was a different picture of the girls, doing a different activity. One of the girls we had met in the previous week had been in multiple photos since she had been volunteering at the girls club for a long time. We decided we will meet again Wednesday 3/17, the day before our Costa Rica trip.

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