
Yestirday I went to my fourth visit. I went to the Aids Walk group. I went with Jasper, Lenny and Katherine.When we got there Jennie welcomed us. She is AMAZINGLY nice and funny. Tall Brunette. She said that we should eat and then we can start working. Which we did. The food was Pasta and Bread with sodas. It was a delite. When we were finally done eating we started to sort and move around boxes. When we used up ALL OF OUR MUSCULE she finally told us we could sit down. When seated we did the piles of 25 handouts. After that we put stickers on stands. I asked Jennie if we could interview her, she said, “of course” with a lot of enthusiasm. We did. I will post the interview as soon as I have it. One thing she said that I remember is that Brooklyn is one of the places with the most Hiv and Aids. I am going back there next week, CANT WAIT:)!!

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