Lenny Weissman-3/8/10-Gay Man’s Health Crisis

Today from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Alma, Jasper, Katherine, and I all went to the “Gay Man’s Health Crisis” office and volunteered to help them prepare for their much anticipated AIDS walk. The first task that they had us do was to categorize heavy boxes that were full of stands that were advertising the AIDS walk by the letters that were written on them. once that had been done, we had to roll them to the other side of the room where other volunteers and such could work with them. Next, we were given a large box full of cards that were also advertisements of the AIDS walk. Our job was to pair them by 25 with a rubber band and put them lined up in a box. The final job that we were given was to put stickers on the advertising stands and box them back up while collecting and loose paper that was thrown in and putting it to the side. In the end, I would have to say that while the work seemed like a small factor in the big event, I knew that every little effort counted, and even by just filling a box  up with cards, we were doing a good deed. I would have liked to ask Sarah how she got affiliated with this group because she was the one that had set us up with it. I would like to remember a fact that one of the workers their told me. She explained that one of the things that inspired her to be a part of the organization was that she had a great sex Ed class. This was proof that education to the world on a topic such as this was important. The goal that I am setting for myself next time, is to ask any one that works there, if GMHC affiliated with any other charity groups.

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