Matan – 3/3/10 – Aid For AIDS

On Wednesday, the third of March, Alma, Olivia and I went to the Aid For AIDS office in Manhattan. We came into the office and saw dozens of wheelchairs and crutches stacked and covering half of one room. We were surprised to see this because the last time we were there, we saw wheelchairs and crutches just squeezed into one closet. Now that the capacity was well over reached, we were all given a new determination to get things done. We met the usual lady, Hannah, and she led us to the same table we worked at the first time we came. We were given three big stacks of paper, and folded each of them into pamphlets. At first, we did each pamphlet by ourselves, but then I came up with an idea that, I think, bought us a little more time. I said, “Hey, why don’t we make this an orderly process?” So what we did was Alma folded the papers once, and then passed them on to Olivia and I. We completed the folding, and ended up folding a lot. There was never something that did not have to be done in the office, and we were glad to see that this took all of our time, which was roughly about two hours spent there. We folded easily over 200 pieces of paper that would be eventually given to people in 3rd world countries who are too poor to afford things that could help them. These pamphlets were filled with information that they needed to know about AIDS and each of them would come with protection for the male inside. This would help prevent further AIDS cases. After we folded all of the papers, we organized them into a box, and before we knew it, we had finished for the day.

I feel a little regret, though. I thought that we would go in there, feel fine, and talk to the people there. It turned out going the opposite direction. We just sat down, went to work, and did not say or ask much to the people there. There were not many people there, but we still should have asked about the organization a little more than we did. I think that we acted like this because we didn’t feel as comfortable without Sara or the rest of the people there. Despite the fact that we split up our visits, I feel that it went better than it would have with all of us there, or, at least it will go better. I think that we will be fine in the future, and this will work out, if only we would be self-conscience enough. Aside that fact, I like that we were a small group because there were less distractions than usual, and, as a result, an unbelievable amount of work was done. We were quite focused.

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