

With my group
With my group

Today Naomi, Viviane, Kyla, and I went to the st Judes School in Harlem.  We took the A train up and when we got off, honestly, we didn’t know where we were.  We had a little bit of trouble looking for the place.  Sometimes when we tried to ask for directions, some people couldn’t speak English.  When we first got there we sorted math work sheets, and coloring pages that the kids would work on after we read to them.  Shortly after arriving the coordinator Albania told us that we were reading Doctor Seuss stories because we were celebrating him.  We read to kindergarten kids.  There were also 5th graders from the same school her were helping LINC with the reading.  The four of us were split to go to different table where we read to the kindergarten students along with the 5th graders.  I took turns with two 5th graders in my group reading a page each to three kindergarten students.  After we read the kindergarten kids did a math worksheets, we helped them and taught them to count small amounts on their fingers.  Then when they finished they were rewarded and got to color a picture from a Doctor Seuss book.  And while they colored the 5th graders did a word search.  One 5th grader in my group was very curious about the project, she asked me a lot of questions.


I thought this visit was a lot of fun.  It was cool that they had a theme of Doctor Seuss, because everyone likes Doctor Seuss.  The kids were very energetic.  I can’t wait for the next visit.

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