Noel-2nd visit-LES girls club 2/24/10

Today Harry, Josh, and I went back to the Lower East Side girls club for our second visit. When we got there Jenny was explaining to us more about the walk-a-thon that will be happening in May. Today however, we were helping them with fundraising instead of raising awareness for the walk-a-thon. As you may know, the girls club makes there own candies and pastries to sell to help fund themselves. Today there were working on selling chocolates. There were selling two types of chocolates: milk chocolate, and bittersweet (a.k.a dark chocolate). They showed us step by step how to wrap the chocolates. All the profits were going to the Haiti relief. The Lower East side girls club had also collaborated with P.S 34 to come up with a design for the chocolate covers. We also wrapped the chocolates that the girls club was going to sell by themselves. These had pictures of actual Lower East Side girl from the club on them. We were told the designs change every month and the girls help with the designs alot. While we were there this time, we got to meet two girls that worked for the girls club. One of them was 16 and had been working at the girls club for 2 years. The other  one was 18 and worked at the girls club for 3 years. We talked to them and found out about their experiences working with Jenny and the Lower East Side girls club. They seemed very enthusiastic and pleased with the job they had. While wrapping the chocolates we came across some that were broken due to how tightly they were packed. (This was one of the best parts of the visit). When we came across any broken chocolate bars we were allowed to eat them. (This was also the tastiest part of the visit). I wonder what activities will participate in them next time. We hope to return to the girls club before spring break.

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