Ivo Ilic-2/11/10-Getting Tools to City Schools

After the literary festival we all met in the library (Dennis, Chase, Jason, Miral, Ben, and I).  This time Carin was there also.  We spent all of the visit formulating plans to raise money and supplies to send to the school.  Carin offered to make the chocolate bars she has made in the past for other fundraisers.  We tried to come up with other ideas to help raise money for binders (our most needed supply) which Dennis can get from a supplier for about half the price you would pay at Staples.  Dennis wanted to try something called stuff the bus were we would rent a bus and then kids could throw binders and school supplies in the bus to try and fill it.  I pointed out it would probably cost more to rent the bus than just buy the materials.  We came up with one idea to have a competition between the classes to see to see who could raise the most money.  We also came up with ideas for prizes like a study group pass or a weekend without homework.  Dennis said it should be called bucks for binders. Our biggest concerns were that someone would bring in a check and the competition would become to cutthroat or become unfair.  To counter this we came up with the idea of one set goal; although it was argued that there would then be a complete lack of competition. We also talked about having a bake sale to raise money.  Miral offered to knit scarfs.  We also assigned each other tasks.  I was assigned  to make posters and chocolate bar wrappers.  Ben and Bryce said they would bring in cameras to record our meetings and our trip to a school who recently received binders for its 5th grade.  Dennis had chosen the school because it gives breakfast free to over 90% of its students because they cannot afford it.  Dennis said he would contact the vice principle of the school to ask about our visit.  He also said he would contact Mark about the competition.  Please go to the website or to the new facebook page and join.  Also donate binders and supplies to the box in the lobby, last time we checked it was almost empty.

Thank You

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