Ben – 2/10/10 – Getting Tools To City Schools
On Wednesday Jason, Chase, Miral, Bryce, Ivo, Karen and I all met up with Dennis Kitchen again in the library. This time we disscused the need to promote awarness about the organization, and to raise money for the expensive binders that we desperately need. We brainstormed ideas for most of the session. I recorded all the ideas we came up with into my Writers Note Book which I still had with me from the Lit Fest that was right before it. We decided to make posters and post them in strategic places around the school to remind people to donate, and we agreed that we wanted to make some sort of competition where the class that donates the most gets a prize (undecided as of yet). For the last ten minutes we worked out some scheduling issues and decided to make a video to show during a Middle School Meeting about our cause and our efforts so far.