Will Balsam-1/30/10-2nd Visit-Village Temple
For my second visit, I went to the Village Temple Soup Kitchen again with Max. When we got there we unpacked bread and turkey onto platters to get set up to make ssandwhiches. Then we went out to the closest Trader Joe’s which is on 14th Street and 3rd Avenue. We got free bread and found out that Trader Joe’s gives bread to some organazations. I thought that this was great because it was their opputunity to help out the needy and letting people who know how to help do it for them. Then we broght the bread back and set it up on the platters. It was so much bread, I couldn’t believe that they would use all of it. But, they did and we made around 240 sandwhiches. After that, we went out to Knickerboxers and got a huge box of cornbread. When we brought it back we cut it into small and bite-size pieces. When we finished that everything else was also done and all we had to do is bag bread. This time I learned that Trader Joe’s helps the soup kitchen out.