Miral Rivalta 2-3-10- visit at Getting Tools to City Schools

Getting Tools to City Schools

Wednesday February 3rd Ivo, Ben, Jason, Bryce and I did our first visit. We were at school and at 4:00 PM we meet Dennis Kitchen in the library, he was very nice and clear explaining us what he and the organization do and why. He also showed us a video of this teacher taking about the school she was teaching in and how the organization helped  them and their students. He patiently answered our questions. The organization asks students in schools like our to bring in supplies that they don’t use anymore to than give, when they are enough to the students in public schools that otherwise wouldn’t have the money to buy but not any school they choose the schools to give the supplies to from the amount of students can’t afford to pay for hot lunch at school (usually they choose schools with 90% of the children or more) . We also talked about things we cold do during our visits and ways to raise money and make people bring more stuff in. Every one gave very good ideas. Than we looked in the different rooms to see where there was some space to put the stuff we had already. After that we took the box with the stuff that the people took and it was very heavy we took it from downstairs in the lobby to Sarah’s room where we found some space that we could use. When we but mostly Ivo and Jason made it with the box each one of us had to count and divide the pencils, folders,pens, and dividers and we wrote the numbers on the board and and on paper to keep them. they were more than we thought but we still need more. in the end it ended earlier than i thought at 5:20. but after i was very happy i learned a lot about the organization and the situation in some schools in america from Dennis and plus we even had fun making oder. During next visit Dennis had the idea that maybe we might go to one of the schools that the organization donates to i really can’t wait for the next meeting. 

Rivalta Miral

Getting Tools to City Schools

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