Adam, Lenny, Olivia, Matan, Jasper, Katherine, Sarahand I all went to the organization AidForAids on 120 Wall Street.
What the organization AidForAids does is that when people change perscriptions the hospitals used to throw out the medicine that people don’t need anymore because they changed perscrition. But now instead the hospitals gives the medicine that isn’t used anymore to AidForAids instead of throwing it out.
We all got our own I.D’s before going there. Here is mine
When we got there we were split up into two groups. Lenny, Katherine, Matan and I had to fold handouts that talk about HIV and AIDS. They tell the three ways one can get transmited, one can get transmitted by sharing needles, blood, sexual contact and before and after giving birth (prenatal).
The little handout also talked about how on can tell if one is living with HIV or not, how to protect yourself and how it is not transmitted.
Here is the process of folding the handouts
This is the handout before we fold it