Harry-2/4/10-L.E.S. Girls Club

Yesterday we had our first visit with the Lower East Side Girls Club, an organization has been empowering woman and girls for 14 years.  They supply all types of girls, some from bad living situations others not with an with an outlet, an free outlet. The woman in charge gave us an overview of their mission and then took as around the neighborhood, showing us the stores they own, the income of which is used to fund the Girls Club.  We met one of the girls of the past who is now an employee of the Bowery poetry club.  They suggested us getting involved with some of their events like their annual walkathon.  In the past this organization has had much success during these walkathons, and they have often had school groups participating.  Our group has thought of assembling an LREI group for the walkathon.  At the end of our visit we discussed our visits to come and we are to be put to work, at possibly the poetry club or really anything they need help with.  As  a group i think we are all anticipating our next visit.  I suggest visiting their website, http://www.girlsclub.org/.

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