Violet-1.16.10-Mentoring in Medicine Conference (Visit 1)

Last Saturday (January 16th), Cheyenne and I went to a Mentoring in Medicine Conference, which Parker was not able to come to. This conference encouraged people in 3rd grade and up to have a career in the health care. Although one of our main topics is women’s heart disease, this event was a combination of many different health professionals talking about why they chose that certain career, and why they currently enjoy it, etc.

To help with the Go Red for Women Campaign (women’s heart disease) we handed out subscription cards, that once signed up, it would provide one with emails with tips and recipes to help prevent women’s heart disease. When handing them the card, I would give them a brief description of what we were doing. For example, “Hi, I am a volunteer with the Go Red for Women Campaign, which is with the American Heart Association. We are trying to promote awareness of women’s heart disease, which is actually the number one killer of women in the world. By signing up you will receive emails with tips and recipes to help prevents women’s heart disease.” In the end we were only able to collect about 25 cards, as a fair amount of people were 16 and under and men.

We also met with Dr. Lynne Holden, who is one of our main contacts, and is with the Go Red for Women Campaign. Not only did we hand subscription cards out, we also listened to the conference, which had about two or three different lectures about heart disease-we took as many as possible. However the majority of the lectures centered around having a career in the health care profession. Anyways, some of the risks for heart disease that they mentioned are, high blood pressure, gender, and age.

I would have preferred to ask more questions about women’s heart disease, but there was a line to be to talk to Dr. Holden. I plan on asking more questions on our next visit, on February 5th.

Lastly, I would like to sign up as many people as I personally know (including teachers) to sign up for Go Red for Women.

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