visit 2

Malcolm 3/23/09

Charity Water Jonah MIlo Thomas rene Nile



The first thing noticed when I came in the room was that they had really interesting pictures on the wall.  My favorite one had young African boy carrying jericho bottle on his head.  I was drawn to it because it showed me how hard a young boys in Africa is.  Soon we sat down and we talked with a girl named Georgia about the project.  It seemed that she was pretty interested in our project.  She gave us information about Charity Water.  One of the things that I found interesting about  Charity water is that they sell a bottle of water for 20 dollars.  The 20 dollars supply a person in Africa with fresh water for six years.  I thought that was great.  Also they were building wells in tons of locations in Africa.  I thought this place was doing some awesome stuff so I really want to have further visits with Charity Water.  At the end of the visit they gave us charity water bracelets and a huge keg to show us how the Africans carried their water.  We hope this keg might inspire some kids at the day of learning to help out with this water situation.

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