Liam M – 4/29/09 – Teach In
I thought that overall today was very successful. I found that the second time around during our workshop was much easier because we didn’t completely understand what we were dong the first time. The first time was a learning experience. From what I experienced during our workshop, I can safely say being a teacher is not easy. One problem was having the prize (blow-pops) in sight of the kids. No kid will spot candy without asking excessively when they will be getting it. I think that the first video that was shown in the big room was very effective and even I learned from it, even after studying the topic of the video for two months! The dramatic effect of it was a big turn-on for the viewers. This was made obvious by the faces that turned up when the final part of ‘Carmina Burana: I. O Fortuna was played. I also found that ‘Flow’ was very informative about the wrongs to the environment going on across the planet.