Charles-4/30/09-Reflection on Teach In

 To start of wiith, Liam’s presentation rocked and had many good ideas.

The eighth grade “Teach In” went way better than I had expected but we didn’t get to a good start.  Me and David had our materials ready but the first group weren’t as interested as I thought they’d be.  Our teach in activity might not have been in their first choices at all.  Then again it was early in the morning and some of them might have been tired.  Me and David started to talk about the homeless people and then got everybody to put on handsiatizer.  Everybody than put on gloves and we started to make sandwiches.  The whole basis was to make sandwiches, cards and play games related.  The fiirst group seemed to have no business in doing this.  Like I said before it seemed as if they were worn out.  By the time I had the other group, the other group was perked up and ready to go.  The powerpoint that we wanted to do in the first session wasn’t working so we ended up doing in the second session.  This time more facts from the powerpoint came out good.  I then decided that we should stop the powerpoint after several slides and to get to action.  We then started making sandwiches and we gave each kid a chance to put a diffrent song on so we could make our activity more “hip.”  The kids loved this and made the sandwich making more enjoyable than the last.  We continued with the song playing and we moved on into making cards.  These cards were very nice and well thought out.  We then moved on into playing a hangman game for candy and sandwiches.  The candy was very appealing to the 5th and 6th grade.  Almost everybody tried their their hardest and was awarded a prize.  They then wrote there reflections and each walked out with more knowledge of homeless people struggling like the guy who used to be on the corner close to America Apperal.  The feed back we had gotten from people in Victor’s class was very good and they told us a lot.

Just to say I liked the imformation that Rene had given us from Lily’s Mom’s movie and the other facts that she had alone.   I’m glad we did this project because now I know what Wendy, Heather, Frank, Lynne, Victor, Matthew, Momii and Sarah have to deal with when they have splits and also our other teachers.  THANK YOU SO MUCH SaRaH and MoMiI!!

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