Ava-Final Post

I really enjoyed The Teach-In.  It definitely wasn’t as nerve-racking and intimidating as I thought!  Shulian was a very good partner because we were both very interested in the topic, which was a unique one.  I had a lot of fun seeing the 5th, 6th, and 7th graders get interested in dissecting the owl pellets.  The day didn’t go by too quickly, which was good because it made it feel like we really spent our time to do a lengthy and fulfilling presentation.  It was really fun passing on all the information we learned to the younger kids.  I know this is not information I will ever forget.  After all these visits, I feel like a pro! (which was especially important when giving this information to others)  Allowing us to do this project over a long-period of time let us really soak up the topic we were learning about.  I am also glad we got to do visits outside of school.  It was also really fun watching the movies made by the movie set-up groups, and watching Flow by Irena Salina.  Flow really gave me a lot of information.  The fact that Poland Spring is owned by Nestle, which is an un-green company, made me reconsider what I am drinking.  Also, I told my parents to stop buying so many bottles of water!  This entire day has inspired me to make a list of things I can do to be more green.  It would be awesome to change this world ourselves! (we really have no other choice)  This is definitely a project that should be done again and again!  

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