
On April 8th Sadie, Surayya, and I had our 5th visit to Materials for the arts.  When we got there went got straight to work.  Our task was to organize the book shelves.  Since the organizations that come in are mostly arts organizations all the books at Materials for the arts are art books.  The donors donate mostly art books but there are some non-art books too.  We had to go through the shelves and take out all the non-art books.  The non-art books that we took out made room on the shelves for new art books they were just given.  We found many interesting books.

Next week we will be going on Wednesday for a working day, and Thurday for a shopping day.  For the shoppping day our job has been to create a survey to ask the recipients.  While organizing the books we talked to Johnese about all the different questions we had thought of.  Some examples were, What is your most needed item from MFTA?, What is your favorite thing about MFTA and what is something you would change?, If you don’t find what your looking for at MFTA where do you find it?

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