Edith – Barkfast!

Sophie, Anna, Meghan and I went to Macy’s for the Barkfast.  The “Barkfast” was an event in the main floor of Macy’s to benefit Animal Haven.  People could bring any kind of pet to this event, pay a small fee, then enjoy food for them and their pets, music, a raffle, and other stuff.  We were volunteers.  We all got Animal Haven volunteer t-shirts, which were pretty cool.  We were placed in different positions – Meghan was at the raffle counter, while the rest of us wandered up the aisle picking up trash and telling people where to go for the bathrooms.There were a lot of teeny tiny dogs in silly costumes, sometimes even matching their owners.  It was strange to look at those dogs, and compare them to the dogs we saw at Animal Haven.I found it kind of funny that at Animal Haven, they don’t treat the animals luxuriously at all, and that at the Barkfast things were the complete opposite.  At Barkfast, they treated the animals like little dolls, on display, but at Animal Haven, they didn’t dress them up at all.  I thought it was strange that the event was to benefit Animal Haven.Now that Sophie and I are preparing for our teach-in soon, we are able to put all the stuff we did at Animal Haven to good use.We plan to go more over the summer, because we really enjoyed working with Kendra and the animals. 

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