Sadie-4/1/09-Materials for the Arts

This was our fourth trip to Materials for the Arts. We had a little bit of trouble at the end of school and we ended up leaving a little late (we thought we would still be O.K.). But then we missed our train and another one didn’t came for about twenty minutes. We started to get worried, but while we were waiting Surayya showed us (Maddie and I) that she brought two mannequins and a poster to try to donate to Materials for the Arts. Finally the train came but we had to transfer after a lot of stops and get on a new subway and take one more stop. We weren’t sure what we would be doing this trip but we had a feeling it might have something to do with paper or books. This is because Johnese was saying last week that they would be getting a big shipment of books and paper, and we thought we might have to organize it, or do something with it. When we got there we were surprized to find out that we were only ten minutes late (and we were really confused on how that happened). So we ran upstairs to the warehouse and went straight to Johnese and got our a signment for they day. As we thought she led us to a cart with piles of large pieces of paper on it. the Goal was to roll a good amount of paper and put a rubber band on it then put it in a box for the customers. We alternated jobs (ruberbander, roller, and box-puter-iner). we didn’t finish all of the paper but we got close and we had a really good time.



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