Rene-3/30/2009-Interview With Irena
Yesterday, I got the chance to meet with Irena Salina, the director of Flow: For love of Water. I had made up a list of questions for her, not only about bottled water, which is what my groups main focus has been. I feel like in the short hour we spent talking, I learned more than I did from the internet searches, and 2 visits to two different organizations. My questions soon became worthless, and our conversation spiraled into internet searches on how the U.S. is slowly starting to be concious about not only the threat bottled water is to the body, but how its ruining our envoirnment. I realized that Irena does all of her reaserch herself, water was just something that caught her interest a few years ago. I always thought that there were hundreds of people behind documentaries, cheching facts, writing etc. But really, its just some people who are passionate about something that they are willing to spend a few extra minutes here and there, before a big opertunity like a movie came along. It made me feel like the hours i spent googling organizations, facts, just about anything that had to do with water was not a waitse. Something i found really interesting that Irena lightly touched on was the prosess of how they made the film. The unbelievable stories she told me about when she went to India, images that will stay in my head forever. I feel that the next step i need to take in this project would be starting to think about my presentation, as well as wrapping up our visits. Irena directed me to a lot of good sites, and gave me some good ideas for the Day of Learning.